
Microsoft appeared to suggest in its X posts that the situation was improving but escalating outages were still being reported around the world hours later.

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Prepper Life® Commentary

A significant global IT outage triggered by a faulty software update from cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike happened early Friday morning. This update impacted roughly 8.5 million computers and devices running Microsoft Windows, leading to widespread disruptions across various sectors including important infrastructure like airlines, banks, and hospitals.

Key points include:
  1. Global Impact: The faulty update caused severe disruptions worldwide, affecting critical infrastructure and services. Airlines experienced grounded flights, banks faced operational challenges, and healthcare services encountered significant obstacles.
  2. Microsoft's Role: Microsoft indicated that the situation was gradually improving, but issues persisted as outages continued to escalate in some areas.
  3. Response Efforts: Both CrowdStrike and Microsoft are actively responding to the incident to mitigate the effects of the outage and restore normal operations.

Overall, this incident emphasizes the extensive reach and critical impact of modern software glitches, highlighting the vulnerability of global digital infrastructure to such unexpected, man-made, errors.

Similar Events in Recent History

  • June 8, 2021: A major outage involving Fastly, a cloud computing services provider, caused many popular websites to go offline. Affected sites included Amazon, Reddit, and news outlets like The New York Times and The Guardian. The outage lasted for about an hour and was traced to a configuration error.
  • October 4, 2021: Facebook, along with its apps Instagram and WhatsApp, experienced a global outage lasting nearly six hours. This was due to a faulty configuration change on the company’s backbone routers, which disrupted network traffic.
  • June 2, 2021: A widespread internet outage affected websites and services using Akamai's content delivery network (CDN). The issue was caused by a bug in the system's software configuration and impacted companies like Delta Air Lines, American Express, and others for about an hour.
  • November 25, 2020: Google services, including Gmail, YouTube, and Google Drive, were unavailable globally for about an hour. This outage was due to an internal storage quota issue that impacted the authentication system.
  • July 17, 2020: Cloudflare experienced technical issues that resulted in a widespread internet outage affecting major websites and services globally. The problem was attributed to a router configuration issue in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • March 2, 2020: Microsoft faced a global outage affecting Microsoft Teams, Azure cloud services, and other Office 365 services due to an authentication issue. The outage lasted several hours and disrupted businesses relying on these services.

These events highlight the interconnectedness of modern digital infrastructure and the widespread impact that technical issues or configuration errors can have on a global scale.

How to Best be Prepared for a Similar Issue

To be prepared for events such as this recent global tech outage, preppers can adopt several strategies:

1. Digital Redundancy

Ensure that you have multiple devices and platforms available. This can include using different operating systems (e.g., Linux, macOS) and having backup internet connections (e.g., mobile hotspots, satellite internet).

2. Data Backup

Regularly back up important data to both physical devices (like external hard drives) and cloud services. Ensure these backups are up-to-date and accessible even if primary systems fail.

3. Alternative Communication Methods

In case of internet outages, preppers should have alternative communication methods such as:

  • Ham radios for long-distance communication.
  • Walkie-talkies for short-distance communication.
  • Satellite phones for reliable connection in remote areas.

4. Manual Operational Plans

Have manual operational plans for critical tasks that typically rely on digital systems:

  • Maintain physical copies of essential documents.
  • Keep a written list of important contacts and instructions.

5. Emergency Power Supplies

Invest in alternative power supplies such as:

  • Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) to keep devices running during short outages.
  • Generators for extended power outages.
  • Solar chargers for sustainable energy.

6. Financial Preparedness

During an outage affecting banking systems:

  • Keep a reserve of cash on hand for essential purchases.
  • Maintain a record of financial transactions to manage accounts manually if needed.

7. Cybersecurity Measures

Implement strong cybersecurity measures to protect your data:

  • Use antivirus and anti-malware software from reputable sources.
  • Regularly update all software and systems to patch vulnerabilities.
  • Use strong, unique passwords and enable multi-factor authentication where possible.

8. Stay Informed

Stay informed about potential threats and updates through:

  • Reliable news sources.
  • Cybersecurity alerts from trusted organizations.
  • Community networks and forums for real-time information sharing.

By incorporating these strategies, preppers can enhance their resilience against these modern disruptions.

Man Made Disasters

Man-made disasters pose a significant threat to our daily lives, encompassing a wide range of events such as industrial accidents, terrorist attacks, cyber-attacks, and civil unrest. These disasters are often characterized by their sudden and destructive nature, causing disruptions to essential services, infrastructure, and public safety. Man-made disasters can have far-reaching consequences that impact communities, economies, and individuals, highlighting the need for proactive preparedness measures to mitigate risks and enhance resilience.

The impact of man-made disasters on daily life can be profound, leading to disruptions in transportation systems, communication networks, healthcare services, and supply chains. Individuals may face challenges accessing basic necessities, such as food, water, medical care, and shelter, during man-made disasters, increasing their vulnerability and reliance on emergency assistance. The psychological toll of man-made disasters can also be significant, causing fear, anxiety, and uncertainty among affected populations and straining social cohesion and community resilience.

For preppers, man-made disasters present a unique set of concerns and scenarios that require specialized preparedness efforts. By anticipating potential risks associated with industrial accidents, social unrest, or technological failures, preppers can develop contingency plans, acquire necessary skills and resources, and establish communication networks to address these specific challenges. Incorporating training in conflict resolution, emergency response protocols, and security measures into their preparedness strategy enables preppers to adapt to the complexities of man-made disasters and navigate uncertain situations with confidence and resilience.

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