
Staying up to date on the news is vital, especially during an active disaster scenario. Catching the 'breaking news' can make all the difference in how you react to the situation.

How to be Prepared for an Earthquake

April 17, 2017
Earthquakes occur when a sudden eruption of energy in the Earths Crust and causes the perceptive shaking of the Earths’ surface, also known as seismic waves.
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Surviving a Hurricane

August 30, 2021
With these storms having the ability to bring on a deadly situation, it is silly not to take them seriously. As natives of Florida, the team members at Prepper Life are used to hurricane season and can often forget how unpredictable and dangerous they can be.
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Coronavirus vs the Spanish Flu

July 19, 2021
Everything from famine, desertification, war, and of course diseases, have riddled human history for centuries now. Most recently, another life altering event shook Earth’s populace: the outbreak of COVID-19.
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Preparing for Disaster Scenarios

November 9, 2021
As I started making my preparedness plan, I quickly realized it was more like plans. Although there are many factors that need to be addressed for almost every scenario, there are also many unique factors for individual situations that need to be considered.
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