Staying up to date on the news is vital, especially during an active disaster scenario. Catching the 'breaking news' can make all the difference in how you react to the situation.
The Dos & Don'ts During a Hurricane
The Dos & Don'ts During a Hurricane
September 10, 2022
While not all hurricanes are severe and deadly, it would be silly and reckless to treat any category of hurricane casually. There are some standard dos and don’ts to adhere to during a hurricane. While these guidelines can depend on the storm category, if you want to err on the side of caution, these should be adhered to no matter the severity.
Read ArticleHiroshima & Nagasaki: The Effects of a Nuclear Bomb
Hiroshima & Nagasaki: The Effects of a Nuclear Bomb
February 10, 2023
World war II saw the catastrophic events that lead to the deployment of the first ever and second uses of a nuclear warhead.
Read ArticleIdentifying Misinformation and Propaganda
Identifying Misinformation and Propaganda
February 22, 2023
The ability to identify misinformation and propaganda on the internet can save you from unnecessary stress and anxiety. Misinformation and propaganda are powerful tools people with little or no integrity use to polarize public opinion and promote violence, extremism, and hate speech.
Read ArticleUnderstanding the Cuban Missile Crisis
Understanding the Cuban Missile Crisis
June 6, 2023
Nuclear warfare is a military conflict or prepared political strategy that uses nuclear weapons, one of the most dangerous feats of military technology on earth.
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