
Purification of collected water is vital to your health. When there is a shortage of water and it is collected naturally, it is essential to purify it before consumption.

Rainwater Collection 101

June 28, 2022
Rainwater collection, or harvesting rainwater, is simply collecting the run-off rainwater from a structure to store for future use. This water can be used in a multitude of ways. When purified, rainwater can be used for various household activities; including drinking and cooking. Since rainwater is quite clean, deep purification isn't always necessary, especially when used for irrigation, gardening, or laundry.
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Boiling Water: The Cleansing Begins

July 12, 2017
Water is the most plentiful element on Earth, covering nearly 75 percent of the surface. The bad news? most of it is salt water or polluted.
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Hazards of Hurricanes

July 11, 2022
Hurricanes are bad enough on their own. Unfortunately, they don’t come alone. There are several subsequent hazards that come along with them like: Storm Surges, Tornadoes, inland flooding, and more. Preparing for these hazards will make all the difference when you find yourself faced with a hurricane.
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