
Water is one of the basic necessities of life. Without water you can only survive for about 3 days. Finding and purifying water for drinking and cooking are always among the first things to do in a survival situation.

Survival Gardening | Starting Out

October 8, 2020
Survival gardening refers to the practice of growing a garden designed specifically to yield enough crops for you and your family to live off. While survival gardening is a popular term thrown around amongst those preparing to survive a worldwide devastating incident, however, it also relates to those looking to live sustainably and produce their own food.
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No Water Challenge - 1 Day

June 23, 2021
Water is such a basic resource that to picture life without running water is a nightmare come true. However, one of the signs of a full-blooded survivalist is to be able to maneuver your way out of any situation you find yourself, no matter how nightmarish it may seem.
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Hazards of Hurricanes

July 11, 2022
Hurricanes are bad enough on their own. Unfortunately, they don’t come alone. There are several subsequent hazards that come along with them like: Storm Surges, Tornadoes, inland flooding, and more. Preparing for these hazards will make all the difference when you find yourself faced with a hurricane.
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