Red Pill

In the movie "Matrix" the character Morpheus (based on the mythology god of sleep) offers two pills to Neo. These pills represented two paths of consciousness: one continuing on the same path of awareness and reality, and the other "the truth". Used loosely in terms of Preparedness, there is an awakening that either occurs organically or is expanded through education. In other words, most people have a moment of enlightenment, when they realize they are just Not prepared. Then they find sites like Prepper Life® which opens a new reality that there is even more to be prepared for then they ever imagined.
In the movie, Morpheus explains "You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." He also says, "All I'm offering is the truth". Here at Prepper Life® we will delve into many different reasons to be prepared, but our rabbit hole of helpful information does Not include politically bias. We are here to provide education and avoid propaganda of any kind.
Our Truth is that it is almost impossible to be fully prepared. There are just too many threats and some of them have extreme impact risks. Focus on protecting your family as best you can, because "the truth" is that; you need to be pretty wealthy to be as prepared as most of our community would like to be.