
Prepper Life® is a source for preparedness information for those who want to be more prepared for survival when disaster strikes.

Hazards of Snowstorms

January 12, 2023
Snowstorms often lead to disaster and quickly become dangerous, causing personal injuries, frostbites, hypothermia, and in severe cases, death. Accumulated snow and ice can cause road blockages, trapping residents indoors and causing car accidents. The list of what could go wrong during a snowstorm is endless.
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Preparing for Economic Collapse

January 10, 2023
Economic distress comes and goes, some bouts are felt harder than others. However, no matter the number of experiences one has with it, just hearing the word "recession" or "economic collapse" can cause the hair on the back of your neck to stand up.
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Breaking the Prepper Stereotype

February 17, 2023
Preppers often get a bad rap. The perception of Preppers by many Americans is stereotypical and skewed. That perception needs to change, and more people need to be prepared.
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How to be Prepared for a Hurricane

March 12, 2017
Hurricanes are tropical storms that have graduated to a storm with a minimum wind speed of 74-75 mph. They form cyclonic storms with high wind speed, heavy rain and cover a large area when formed.
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