Disaster Situations

Preppers adopt a comprehensive approach to preparedness by readying themselves for a wide array of disaster situations. They understand the unpredictable nature of emergencies and strive to be equipped for various scenarios, including natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, and wildfires. By stockpiling essential supplies such as food, water, first aid kits, and emergency tools, preppers ensure they have the necessary resources to weather different types of crises.

Disaster situations can include natural disasters or man-made emergencies such as power outages, economic downturns, and civil unrest. They diversify their emergency plans and resources to address a range of potential threats that may arise from societal breakdowns or infrastructure failures. By developing contingency plans, securing alternative energy sources, and acquiring valuable skills like gardening or self-defense, preppers build a robust foundation for surviving and thriving in challenging situations.

Preppers prioritize continuous learning and skill-building to adapt to evolving threats and challenges. They engage in training programs, attend workshops, and participate in drills to enhance their readiness for different disaster scenarios. By staying informed about current events, trends, and potential risks, preppers remain proactive in their preparedness efforts and strive to be resilient in the face of uncertainty. Their commitment to preparedness serves as a cornerstone for self-reliance and security in an ever-changing world.

Best Earthquake Evacuation Routes in Los Angeles

December 1, 2023
These are some of the best evacuation routes for the Los Angeles area in the event of an earthquakes; know your routes.
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Regions at Risk of Mudslides

March 22, 2024
Mudslides, also known as debris flows or landslides, pose a significant threat to communities living in certain geographic regions around the world.
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How to be Prepared for a Hurricane

March 12, 2017
Hurricanes are tropical storms that have graduated to a storm with a minimum wind speed of 74-75 mph. They form cyclonic storms with high wind speed, heavy rain and cover a large area when formed.
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House Fire Preparedness

February 14, 2016
House Fires can spread quickly, and within minutes a home can be engulfed in flames. In the United States, approximately 2,500 people die annually in house fires, and another 12,600 are injured.
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How to be Prepared for an Earthquake

April 17, 2017
Earthquakes occur when a sudden eruption of energy in the Earths Crust and causes the perceptive shaking of the Earths’ surface, also known as seismic waves.
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Surviving a Fall Through the Ice

January 31, 2023
As winter arrives, most families have plans to enjoy winter activities like ice fishing, ice hockey, ice skating, snowball fights, skiing, and more. As a prepper, the first thing one should consider is “What if I fall through the ice?
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Coronavirus vs the Spanish Flu

July 19, 2021
Everything from famine, desertification, war, and of course diseases, have riddled human history for centuries now. Most recently, another life altering event shook Earth’s populace: the outbreak of COVID-19.
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How to Protect Yourself Against an Active Shooter

May 17, 2021
Most normal people do not intentionally walk into a life-threatening situation like an active shooting scene. Scenarios like this are unpredictable and creep up on you with little to no warning. Hopefully, you never have to encounter this, but if you do, it is important to be armed with the proper knowledge.
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Protecting Your Property Against Wildfires

July 29, 2022
As the climate is changing, wildfires are becoming increasingly more common these days. These devastating flames have impacted millions of people and properties. While wildfires cannot be avoided entirely, safeguarding your property and home can help reduce the potential damage.
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Wildfire Evacuation: Knowing When to Bug Out

August 11, 2022
Wildfires are either natural occurring disasters or man-made. It can appear suddenly, do irreparable damage, and last for hours, and in some cases, even days or weeks. This leaves people in its path with more than enough time to evacuate their homes. Knowing when to bug out, is the key.
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How to be Prepared for a Solar Flare

August 16, 2022
Most people are not aware of when a Solar Flare occurs. The standard solar flare is not seen by the unaided eye of humans, nor is it smart to look at the sun anyways. Despite this, they do happen. Us being on earth and within our atmosphere are generally protected from any harm a Solar Flare can cause. However, other things like power and electronics, may not escape damage.
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Australia Brush Fires

January 8, 2020
Australia is reeling from continent wide brush fires. The fires have been continuous since September 2019. Australia’s southeast coast has been hit the hardest, but nearly all of the island has been ravished by wildfires; some set accidentally and others deliberately. Over 20 million acres across the country have burned so far, and there are still months to go in this 2019-2020 fire season.
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Asteroids and Understanding their Risks from Space

March 19, 2024
Asteroids, those enigmatic space rocks hurtling through the cosmos, have captured the imagination of humans for centuries. While they often seem like distant phenomena, they can pose real risks to life on Earth.
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Solar Cycle 25: What You Need to Know About Solar Activity

November 22, 2023
In unraveling the mysteries of solar flares and exploring the recent sunspot activity, you can better understand the risks associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and discovering how to prepare for these celestial phenomena.
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Rare Meteor Shower Tonight

November 21, 2019
Meteors pass closely to earth all the time. Want evidence, look up, tonight! This evening a rare meteor shower will be visible around 11:15 pm EST.
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