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Preppers diligently prepare for a myriad of potential dangers that may disrupt the normal course of life. From natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires to man-made crises such as economic collapse and political unrest, preppers anticipate and plan for a wide range of scenarios. They understand the importance of being self-reliant and self-sufficient in times of crisis, ensuring they have the necessary skills, resources, and strategies to protect themselves and their loved ones.

In addition to natural and man-made disasters, preppers also prepare for societal breakdowns, including power outages, food shortages, and communication failures. By stocking up on essential supplies like food, water, medical supplies, and tools, preppers aim to be well-equipped to handle any situation that may arise. They prioritize readiness and resilience, recognizing the fragility of modern infrastructure and the need to be prepared for disruptions at any moment.

Preppers are mindful of potential threats such as pandemics, cyber-attacks, and technological failures that could have far-reaching consequences. By staying informed, developing survival skills, and building strong community networks, preppers strive to mitigate risks and enhance their ability to adapt and thrive in challenging circumstances. Their proactive approach to preparedness serves as a foundation for resilience and security in an unpredictable world.

Dealing with the Aftermath of an Earthquake

January 18, 2017
When an earthquake strikes, it can be very alarming and cause you to feel disoriented. The aftermath of an event like this can range from rather irrelevant to quite tremendous.
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Hiroshima & Nagasaki: The Effects of a Nuclear Bomb

February 10, 2023
World war II saw the catastrophic events that lead to the deployment of the first ever and second uses of a nuclear warhead.
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Understanding Modern Economic Collapse

February 6, 2023
While the days of the Great Depression have long passed, recession and financial crises are still prevalent. In a modern world of credit cards, government benefits, and stimulus checks; recognizing modern economic collapse can be tricky.
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What to Know About Covid-19 Variants

December 2, 2022
Let’s be honest, dealing with Covid-19 was not easy. The idea of social distancing, stockpiling food, hand sanitizers, constantly wearing a mask, the fear of the world coming to a grinding halt was all too scary. As the pandemic went on new variants were formed.
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The Levels of Economic Collapse

November 30, 2022
Economic collapse or meltdown is a term typically used to refer to a range of unpleasant economic conditions. For instance, a high rate of unemployment over a period of time, high rate of bankruptcy, and so on.
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How to be Prepared for a Solar Flare

August 16, 2022
Most people are not aware of when a Solar Flare occurs. The standard solar flare is not seen by the unaided eye of humans, nor is it smart to look at the sun anyways. Despite this, they do happen. Us being on earth and within our atmosphere are generally protected from any harm a Solar Flare can cause. However, other things like power and electronics, may not escape damage.
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Extended Power Outages

August 13, 2022
A natural disaster, an emp, or residents overloading the grid is enough to cause a power outage. The level of severity of the power outage can vary. That's why no matter where you reside, knowing what causes a power outage and how to be prepared for it can help you and your family be one step ahead of the situation.
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Winter Storms | A Survival Retrospective

May 10, 2021
While winter storms are considered events that should be prepared for, we do not typically consider them natural disasters. However, this particular situation moved into the disaster category quickly, and not just a natural disaster but also a man-made disaster.
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